
Sep 24

Latin America, Spain and the United States in the Global Economy Forum

Event Description


Co-organized by the Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce and EL PAÍS, the forum will bring together prominent business leaders from Latin America, Spain, and the United States, including top executives from the private sector, public officials, fund managers, financial analysts, members of the media and representatives from the academic world.

The forum will provide attendees with valuable insight into the current state and prospects of the economy of the three regions, the new political scene, the strategic sectors and investment opportunities, the influence of China in Latin America, and the future of work.

Program of the Event

8.15 a.m. Welcome Remarks

Ambassador Alan D. Solomont. Chairman, Spain-U.S. Chamber
of Commerce.

Javier Moreno. Editor-in-chief, EL PAÍS América.

8.35 a.m. Keynote Fireside Chat

Keith Krach. Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, U.S. Department of State.

Interviewed by Javier Moreno. Editor-in-chief, EL PAÍS América

8.55 a.m. The Green New Deal

Teresa Ribera. Minister for the Ecological Transition, Spain.

9.15 a.m. New Political Landscape in Latin America

Arturo Herrera. Minister of Finance, Mexico.

Interviewed by Javier Moreno. Editor-in-chief, EL PAÍS América.

Juan Andrés Fontaine. Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, Chile.

Interviewed by Javier Lafuente. Correspondent and Chief Bureau Officer, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, EL PAÍS.

José Manuel Restrepo. Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Colombia.

Interviewed by Ignacio Fariza. Journalist, EL PAÍS

11.00 a.m. A Review of the Macroeconomic Indicatrs

Pablo Hernández de Cos. Governor, Bank of Spain.
José Manuel González-Páramo. Head of Global Economics & Public Affairs, BBVA.
Lisa Schineller, Ph.D. Managing Director & Lead Analyst of Sovereign & International Public Finance Ratings, S&P Global Ratings.

Moderated by Amanda Mars. Washington Bureau Chief, EL PAÍS

12.00 p.m. The Future of Work

Yolanda Valdeolivas García. Secretary of State for Employment, Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security, Spain.

Interviewed by Brian C. Dunning. President, Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

12.20 p.m. China´s Influence in Latin America

Lourdes S. Casanova. Senior Lecturer, Director of the Emerging
Markets. Institute, S. C. Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University
Victor Rico Frontaura. Secretary-General, CAF, Development Bank of Latin America.

Moderated by Mauro Guillén. Member of the Organizing Committee, Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce / Dr. Felix Zandman Endowed Professor of International Management, The Wharton School

1.50 p.m. Common Trends, Challenges and Opportunities Across Key Industries in Spain and the Americas

Luis Berruga. CEO, Global X.
Enrique Ostalé. Executive Vice President and Regional CEO – U.K., Latin America, and Africa, Walmart International.
Luciano Scandolari. Partner and Deals Leader, PwC Mexico.

Moderated by José Antonio Morán. Global Chair of the Energy, Mining & Infrastructure Practice Group, Baker McKenzie.

2.40 p.m. The Future of the Atlantic Triangle in the Digital Age

Trinidad Jiménez. Director of Public Affairs Global Strategy, Telefónica.

2.55 p.m. The Role of Companies in Tackling Climate Chanllenges

Ignacio S. Galán. Chairman and CEO, Iberdrola.

Interviewed by Javier Moreno. Editor-in-chief, EL PAÍS América.

3.15 p.m. Keynote Address

Martín Vizcarra. President of the Republic of Peru.

3.30 p.m. Closing Remarks

Pedro Sánchez. Prime Minister of Spain


Pedro Sánchez Prime Minister Spain
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Pedro Sánchez

In 1990, Pedro Sánchez went to the Complutense University of Madrid to study economics and business sciences and graduated in 1995. He earned a degree in Politics and Economics in 1998 after graduating from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels), and a degree of business leadership from IESE Business School in the University of Navarra. Sánchez received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Business and Economics in 2012. Before entering a career in regional and national politics, Sánchez worked as a parliamentary assistant in the European Parliament, and as chief of staff to the United Nations high representative in Bosnia during the Kosovo War; he was also a Professor of Economics, publishing a version of his doctoral thesis “La nueva diplomacia económica europea”. In 2003, Sánchez stood in the Madrid City Council election on the Spanish Socialist Party list and quickly became one of the most prominent components of the opposition team in the City Council. Sánchez returned to the Camilo José Cela University to finish his Doctorate in Economics in 2011 and served as a consultant to a European consortium and as a university professor. He earned a PhD in Economics and Business from the Camilo José Cela University. In January 2013, Sánchez returned to Congress and officially launched his candidacy for the leadership of the Spanish Socialist Party, and was elected Secretary-General in July 2014. On June 2015, Sánchez was officially announced as the Spanish Socialist Party premiership candidate for the December 2015 general election and repeated in the June 2016 elections. In May 2018, the Spanish Socialist Party filed a successful no-confidence motion against Mariano Rajoy and Pedro Sánchez ascended as Prime Minister on 1 June 2018.

Martín Vizcarra President Republic of Peru
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Martín Vizcarra

President Martín Vizcarra (Lima, 1963) has served as Vice President of the Republic of Peru, Minister of Transportation and Communications, Ambassador of Peru to Canada, President of the Regional Government of Moquegua, Executive Director of Pasto Grande Special Project, Member of the Board of EGESUR, Director of the National Society of Industries - Moquegua and Member of the Consultative Commission of the National Council of Science and Technology CONCYTEC - Moquegua. In 1984, he graduated as a Civil Engineer from the National University of Engineering (Peru). He has been the recipient of the “Amauta” Magisterial Accolades for his work on education, the “Alfz. PNP Mariano Santos Mateos” Honorific Decoration and the “Francisco Bolognesi” Millitary Distinction. As a private citizen, President Vizcarra has served as CEO of C&M Vizcarra S.A.C. and has worked as a consultant for public and private firms. Moreover, he participated as speaker in academic and business events such as CADE 2012, PERUMIN 2013, “Governability, Inclusion and Sustainable Development” Arequipa 2013, among other national and international conferences. President Vizcarra is an engaged promoter of open dialog and the search of concerted solutions as the foundation of a transparent administration where all citizens may freely participate to further social wellbeing. An example of such initiative is the “Dialog Table with Anglo American Quellaveco Mining Company”, which accomplished the subscription of agreements to protect the environment and to contribute with the regional development of Moquegua.

Arturo Herrera Minister of Finance Mexico
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Arturo Herrera

He is the current Minister of Finance in Mexico. Prior to his present position, he served as Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Credit and also acting as Undersecretary for Revenues. In his professional career he has held positions at the World Bank, the private banking sector, the Government of Mexico City, and Mexico’s Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. At the World Bank he participated and led several initiatives aimed at improving the performance of the public sector in various Latin American and Caribbean Governments. In his last responsibility in that financial institution, he was in charge of the Governance Unit for the East Asian economies. He worked in private banking on investment banking issues and previously he was Secretary of Finance for the Government of Mexico City, where he also served as Director General of Financial Management. In the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit he held positions in both the international affairs and the economic planning directorates. In the academic field he has taught courses in microeconomics and macroeconomics at El Colegio de México, and monetary policy at the University of New York. He has a degree in economics from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, a master's degree in the same area from the El Colegio de México, and a doctoral candidate from the University of New York.

Teresa Ribera Minister for the Ecological Transition Spain
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Teresa Ribera

Teresa Ribera graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and diploma in Constitutional Law and Political Science from the Center for Constitutional Studies. She belongs to the Superior Body of Civil Administrators of the State of which she has been a surplus official since 2012 and has been an associate professor of the Department of Public Law and Philosophy of Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid. She has held various technical positions in public administration, such as the position of Chief of Coordination of the Ministry of Development and of Technical Adviser in the Cabinet of the Assistant Secretary for the Environment and Head of the Compliance and Development area. Between 2004 and 2008 she was general director of the Office of Climate Change and between 2008 and 2011 she assumed the Secretary of State for Climate Change during the government of President Rodríguez Zapatero. Ribera is also a member of several advisory councils, including the Global Leadership Council of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN), the global climate change advisory council of the World Economic Forum, and the Momentum For Change initiative of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); she also belongs to the international council of the BC3, to the advisory council of the Institut pour la Recherche du Développement (IRD) and to the patronages of Fundipax and Fundación Alternativas. In September 2013, Teresa Ribera began to collaborate with the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), an organization dedicated to the analysis of strategic issues related to sustainable development, climate change, protection of biodiversity, food security and management of the urbanization process based in Paris. In June 2014 she assumed its direction. In June 2018, she became the Minister for the Ecological Transition of Pedro Sánchez´s government and in October 2018, she was awarded the Climate Reality Project Award in the category of 'Public Personality' granted by the Climate Reality Project.

Juan Andrés Fontaine Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism Chile
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Juan Andrés Fontaine

Fontaine holds an undergraduate degree in Commercial Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Chicago. He has been Associate Professor of Economics at the Universidad Católica and the Universidad de Chile for many years. He also has been a Visiting Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the United States. Fontaine has participated as an Associate Researcher at the Center for Public Research (CEP) and a Board Member with the Institute for Freedom and Development. Fontaine served as Finance Minister in 2010 and 2011 and was responsible for the launch and development of the Competitive Promotion Agenda, which involved 50 measures for increasing productivity. He was also the Director of Research for the Central Bank from 1984 to 1990. He was a Partner with Fontaine Consultores, has been on the board of various companies and was a permanent columnist for the newspaper El Mercurio. During President Piñera’s second term, he was appointed Public Works Minister on March 11, 2018. He led significant investment initiatives in that role totaling approximately US$ 1.4 billion in infrastructure projects designed to accelerate the country’s economic recovery. In June 2019, he was appointed Economy, Development and Tourism Minister, and will be responsible for implementing an active agenda in order to encourage investment, enterprise and productivity in collaboration with the Sustainable Project Management (GPS) and National Productivity and Enterprise (OPEN) offices in order to identify and resolve obstacles that hinder investment in Chile and to improve the regulatory environment, respectively. He is married to María Inés Correa, with whom he has five children.

Pablo Hernández de Cos Governor Bank of Spain
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Pablo Hernández de Cos

Pablo Hernández de Cos is Governor of the Banco de España and member of the Governing and General Council of the ECB. He is Chair of the BCBS and of the Advisory Technical Committee of the ESRB. He is member of various European and International Committees including the ESRB, the FSB, the BIS Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision, the Advisory Board of the FSI and the CEMLA. He is also Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Spanish Macroprudential Authority Financial Stability Board (AMCESFI). Prior to his current position he was Director General for Economics, Statistics and Research of the Banco de España, headed its Economic Policy Analysis Division, worked as an adviser to the ECB’s Executive Board and as an Economist of the Banco de España. He holds a PhD in Economics (Complutense University, Madrid), a degree in Economics and Business Studies (CUNEF) and a degree in Law (UNED).

Ignacio S. Galán Chairman and CEO Iberdrola
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Ignacio S. Galán

Ignacio S. Galán CBE was born in Salamanca (Spain) in 1950. He graduated as an Industrial Engineer from the ICAI Escuela Superior de Ingeniería of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid). He holds a Degree in Business Administration and Foreign Trade from ICADE at Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid) and a Degree in General Corporate Management and Foreign Trade from the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) of Madrid. He is Chairman and CEO of Iberdrola, and is also Chairman of ScottishPower, Avangrid and Neoenergia, the country subholding companies of the Iberdrola Group in the UK, the USA and Brazil, respectively. Since he joined Iberdrola in 2001, his vision for international expansion, renewable energies and sustainability has transformed the company into one of the largest in the sector, providing energy to over 100 million people in dozens of countries such as Spain, the United Kingdom, the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Portugal, Italy or France. Ignacio S. Galán is Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universities of Edinburgh and Strathclyde (Glasgow) in the United Kingdom, and by the University of Salamanca in Spain. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde, Chairman of the Social Council of the University of Salamanca and a Patron of the Comillas-ICAI University Foundation. He is also on the Presidential CEO Advisory Board of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is a member of the Electricity Cluster at the World Economic Forum (Davos), which he has chaired in the past, of the Steering Committee of the European Round Table of Industrialists and of JP Morgan International Council. Among other recognitions, in 2019 received the Honourable Mention of his professional career by the Official Industrial Engineers Association of Madrid and was designated as Universal Spaniard by the Fundación Independiente. In 2018 he was appointed Honorary Member of the Spanish Institute of Engineering. In 2017 he was named Best CEO in the European utilities sector for the eleventh time by the Institutional Investor Research Group, and he has received the Vocento Business Leadership Award; in 2011 he was named best CEO in the European utilities sector and among Spanish listed companies for investor relations, according to the Thomson Extel Survey; and on three successive occasions (2003-2005) he was given the Best CEO in Investor Relations Award by IR Magazine. In addition, in 2014, received the Responsible Capitalism Award by First Group; in 2008, was named Business Leader of the Year by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the United States; and in 2006 was named the Best CEO of the Year in the Platts Global Energy Awards. He was also named a Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2014, by Queen Elizabeth II.

Yolanda Valdeolivas García Secretary of State for Employment, Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security Government of Spain
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Yolanda Valdeolivas García

Born in Madrid on 4 August 1963, Yolanda Valdeolivas García completed a doctorate in Law from the Autónoma University of Madrid in 1992, with cum laude honours, and has been a Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the university since 2011. She has carried out extensive teaching in labour and social security law, at the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate levels in various Spanish and foreign universities. Ms Valdeolivas has supervised doctoral theses and numerous dissertations, at the undergraduate and master’s degree levels. She has also undertaken a considerable amount of research into the key areas of her subject area, as regards individual and collective labour relations, and particularly collective bargaining, the right to organize, gender equality, the protective role of social security, and occupational health and safety. As a result of her research work, she has authored a number of articles and papers published by prestigious legal journals and printing houses. Ms Valdeolivas has spoken at many congresses and seminars on labour and social security law, in Spain and abroad, and has been an active participant in preparing numerous technical reports for public administrations and private entities, for the purpose of drafting proposals for legislative reform and policy. She is a reviewer for a number of technical journals in her area of expertise, and is also a member of several editorial boards for periodicals, as well as being a trustee or advisor of universities and foundations. From 2015 to 2018 she was the Chair of the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee for the Code of Ethics of the Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) trade union. During her career she has spent considerable time in university management, and has held numerous academic posts, including Dean of the School of Law at the Autónoma University of Madrid, from June 2014 to June 2018.

Víctor Rico Frontaura Secretary General CAF Development Bank of Latin America
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Víctor Rico Frontaura

Secretary General of CAF since September 1, 2017. He previously served as CAF’s Director-Representative in Brazil (2014-2017) after having joined CAF in 2012 as Special Advisor to the Executive Presidency and leading several projects associated with the area of Institutional Development. Formerly he held important positions in the international arena, including that of Secretary of Political Affairs at the Organization of American States (OAS), responsible for issues related to democratic governance, public management, institutional development, political analysis and electoral observation. Likewise he has acted as Director General of the General Secretariat at the Andean Community (CAN). In his native country, Bolivia, he was Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Minister of International Economic Relations, Undersecretary for Integration and Consul General (Ambassador) in Santiago de Chile. Additionally, he served as Alternate and Plenipotentiary Representative on the Committee of Foreign Trade Ministers of the Andean Community, as well as Chief Free Trade Agreement Negotiator with MERCOSUR and Mexico and at the Doha Round in the World Trade Organization ( WTO). In the academic field, he was Professor of International Trade Negotiations at the Postgraduate Unit of the Bolivian Catholic University and is the author of several publications on international issues and economic integration. He studied economics at the Universidad Católica Boliviana and possesses a master's degree in international relations from the Universidad de Belgrano in Buenos Aires as well as a postgraduate degree in the European monetary system from the London School of Economics.

José Manuel González-Páramo Head of Global Economics & Public Affairs BBVA
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José Manuel González-Páramo

José M. González-Páramo is Ph.D., M.Phil. and M.A. in Economics from Columbia University. He also holds a Ph.D. from Universidad Complutense. In 1988 he was appointed Professor of Economics at UCM and from September 2012 he is a Professor at IESE Business School. From 1985 to 1994 he was an economic adviser to various public and private institutions including the Banco de España (1989-1994), the European Commission, the IMF and the World Bank Group. Previously, he served as a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) from 2004 to 2012. He was a member of the Governing Council of Bank of Spain (1994-2004) and of its Executive Committee (1998-2004). In June 2013 he was appointed Executive Board member of BBVA. Among other responsibilities in the group, he is the Chief Officer, Global Economics & Public Affairs, and the Chairman of its International Advisory Board. Since December 2016, he is the Europe chair of the TransAtlantic Business Council (TABC), the official business advisory group to the European Commission and U.S. administration on international trade, investment, and regulatory issues. From February 2018 he chairs the Spain-Peru Council Foundation, a non-profit body set up with the aim of fostering relations between the two countries. He is also vice chairman of the Spain - United States of America Council Foundation. A Fulbright scholar, he is a member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences and Full Member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas (Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences).

José A. Morán Global Chair for Energy, Mining and Infrastructure Baker McKenzie
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José A. Morán

José Antonio Morán is a partner of the Firm's Banking, Finance & Major Projects Practice Group. He represents clients in numerous high-value deals, including one recognized by Thomson Project Finance International as “the largest merger and acquisition deal in Latin America.” José is ranked as a Foreign Expert for Spain in USA - Projects by Chambers USA 2017 and 2018. The Legal 500 United States also recognized him from 2011 to 2016 in the area of project finance and in prior years in the areas of corporate & finance and real estate & construction. José has been trained as a lawyer under a civil law system and a common law system. José is a lecturer at Loyola University School of Law's comparative law seminar on legal systems in the Americas, and a visiting professor at Northwestern Law School as a lecturer in the project finance class. He was the vice chair of the Banking and Financial Services committee of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolutions. Mr. Morán concentrates primarily on transactions in the US, Spain and Latin America. He has assisted major US banks and institutional lenders in negotiating and drafting documents regarding loan syndications for Latin American borrowers, as well as US and European-based oil and gas companies in Latin America in acquisitions. He has also represented contractors in connection with ground-up, design/build projects, bulk fuels, and construction and renovation projects in military environments pursuant to NATO and Status of Forces Agreements in Spain, Portugal, Korea, Japan, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Qatar.

Lourdes S. Casanova Senior Lecturer of Management, Director of the Emerging Markets Institute, S. C. Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University
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Lourdes S. Casanova

Senior Lecturer and Director Emerging Markets Institute, S.C. Johnson School of Management, Cornell University, formerly at INSEAD, specializes in international business with focus on emerging markets multinationals. Awarded in 2014 and 2015 one of the 50 most influential Iberoamerican intellectuals and in 2017 one of the 30 most influential Iberoamerican women intellectuals by Esglobal. She is also a Faculty Fellow at the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future and has a Fulbright Scholar with Master degree from University of Southern California and a PhD from University of Barcelona. Taught, directed executive programs at INSEAD for senior managers including Telefónica, BBVA and Cemex and Brazilian Confederation of Industries. Lourdes Casanova is a member of Latin America Global Agenda Council and the Competitiveness in Latin America task force of the World Economic Forum, Advisory Committee European Union/Brazil, World Investment Network at UNCTAD, the B20 Task Force on ICT and Innovation in Los Cabos, responsible at INSEAD of Goldman Sachs 10,000 women initiative and co-leading InnovaLatino on Innovation in Latin America. She is also a board member of the Boyce Tompson Institute, the start-up Documenta, founding Board Member of the Societé des Amis du Chateau de Fontainebleau and member of the Advisory Council of the Tompkins Public Library.

Mauro Guillén Dr. Felix Zandman Endowed Professor of International Management The Wharton School
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Mauro Guillén

Mauro F. Guillén is the holder of the Dr. Felix Zandman Endowed Professorship in International Management at the Wharton School and a secondary appointment as Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology of the University of Pennsylvania. He has received a Wharton MBA Core Teaching Award, a Wharton Graduate Association Teaching Award, a Wharton Teaching Commitment and Curricular Innovation Award, the Gulf Publishing Company Best Paper Award of the Academy of Management, the W. Richard Scott Best Paper Award of the American Sociological Association, the Gustavus Myers Center Award for Outstanding Book on Human Rights, and the President’s Book Award of the Social Science History Association. He is an Elected Fellow of the Macro Organizational Behavior Society and the Sociological Research Association, a former Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellow and a Member in the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. In 2005 he won the IV Fundación Banco Herrero Prize, awarded annually to the best Spanish social scientist under the age of 40. He serves on the board of the Fundación Princesa de Asturias.

Javier Lafuente Correspondent and Chief Bureau Officer, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean EL PAÍS
Ambassador Alan D. Solomont Chairman Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce
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Ambassador Alan D. Solomont

Alan D. Solomont, former United States ambassador to Spain and Andorra and a lifelong social and political activist, serves as the Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Dean of the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University. Before his posting to Madrid, Solomont chaired the bipartisan board of directors of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency that oversees such domestic service programs as AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve America, VISTA and Senior Corps. He was first appointed to the board by President Clinton in 2000, reappointed by President George W. Bush in 2007 and elected chair in 2009. Like President Obama, who nominated him for the ambassadorship in the summer of 2009, Solomont as a young man worked as a community organizer, in the city of Lowell, Mass. Throughout his career, Solomont has embraced the ability of political activism and public service to benefit society. After graduating from Tufts with a B.A. in political science and urban studies, Solomont made his first trip to Spain on a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship for postgraduate study and travel abroad. He returned to his native Massachusetts to work as a community organizer in Lowell. His mother was a nurse at Boston City Hospital, and he earned a B.S. in nursing from the University of Lowell (now the University of Massachusetts Lowell) in 1977. Solomont spent much of his professional career in the health- and elder-care arenas. He built a network of elder-care facilities in New England as chair of Solomont Bailis Ventures. He invested in early-stage health-care companies and cofounded HouseWorks, a home-care company that helps seniors remain independent. He was also the founder and managing director of Angel Healthcare Investors. A longtime leader in the Democratic Party, Solomont got his first exposure to national politics as an undergraduate in 1968, when he worked as a page during the tumultuous Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Later, he served as the party’s national finance chair from 1997 to 1998, and he was an early supporter of Barack Obama’s bid for the presidency. He played key roles in the presidential campaigns of John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Michael Dukakis. Through the years, Solomont has remained deeply involved in Tufts. A trustee emeritus of the university, Solomont was the founding chair of the Tisch College board of advisors. To mark the 10th anniversary of the college in 2011, his friends and colleagues endowed the Alan D. Solomont Lecture in recognition of his leadership as an active citizen. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the first woman speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, gave the inaugural lecture. Other speakers have included United States Congressman and civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis.

Trinidad Jiménez Director of Public Affairs Global Strategy Telefónica
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Trinidad Jiménez

Trinidad Jiménez is a Spanish politician, born in Málaga in 1962. Graduated in Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid, she is an International Relations expert having the opportunity to participate in numerous political and professional conferences and roundtables. She has published around a hundred of press articles, and she has travelled all over the world leading international and professional delegations. Since February 2016, she has occupied the post of Public Affairs Global Strategy Director at Telefónica, S.A. Before joining Telefónica, she assumed the positions of PSOE’s Social Politics Secretary since July 2004; was a Member of Parliament; Speaker of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and member of the Committee on Health and Social Affairs, as well as the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Under Prime Minister Rodríguez Zapatero, Trinidad Jiménez served as Minister of Foreign Affairs (2010-2011), and as Minister of Health and Social Affairs (2009-2010). Prior to that, she served as Secretary of State for Latin America (2006-2009). In 2003, she was the Socialist Party candidate for the City of Madrid. In 2000, Trinidad Jiménez was elected Secretary of the International Policy of the PSOE’s Executive Board, being reelected to office in 2004. For family reasons, between 1990-1995, she lived in Equatorial Guinea, Israel and Cameroon working as a university professor, returning to Spain returning to her political career being responsible for Political Relations with America in the Office of International Affairs of the PSOE for five years, and advisor to the Global Progress Commission of the Socialist International. During her Law degree, in 1983 she founded the Socialist Students Organization in the Autonomous University of Madrid, joining as a member of the Spanish Socialist Political Party (PSOE) in 1984. From 1985 until 1986, she combined this activity chairing the International Relations Committee of the Youth Council of Spain.

Javier Moreno Editor-in-chief EL PAÍS América
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Javier Moreno

A chemistry graduate of Valencia University, Moreno worked in Germany until 1992, when he completed the UAM-EL PAÍS master’s degree in journalism. He joined the economy desk and in 1994, was transferred to the Mexico edition, which is the genesis for the current Americas edition of EL PAÍS. After returning to Spain, he was assigned to the international desk. In 1999, he was named editor of the economy section and in 2002 he became the newspaper’s correspondent in Berlin. In 2003, he became the head of the financial daily Cinco Días. In 2005, he returned to EL PAÍS, first as a deputy editor in charge of the Sunday edition, and later as a managing editor. In 2006, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of EL PAÍS, he was named its editor-in-chief, a job he held until May 2014. During his tenure the newsroom participated in international projects such as the US cables leak, in partnership with The New York Times and The Guardian, and Chinaleaks. There were also major national stories such as the Bárcenas papers, part of the Gürtel graft scandal that recently triggered a no-confidence motion against the Spanish prime minister. In 2013, he set up the Americas edition of EL PAÍS. After leaving his editorial position, Moreno became a founding member of the Leading European Newspaper Alliance (LENA), which brings together seven leading news organizations. In December 2017, he was named director of the UAM-EL PAÍS journalism school, from December 2017 to June 2018. In June, he was appointed Americas Edition Chief of EL PAÍS.

Luciano Scandolari Partner and Deals Leader PwC Mexico
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Luciano Scandolari

Leader of the Deals practice in PwC Mexico. With more than 17 years of experience in the Capital Markets and M&A business (both sides, buyer and seller), he has lead the development of the practice taking it from 50 to 150 people over a four-year period, building new functions in: Corporate Finance, Strategy, Valuation Services and M&A Integration. In these years he has gained an extensive experience helping clients in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Central America, Unites States, Europe and Asia do better deals and create value through mergers, acquisitions, disposals and restructuring developing the right strategy before the deal, execute their deals seamlessly, identify issues and points of negotiation and value; and implement changes to deliver synergies and improvements after the deal.

Brian C. Dunning President Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce
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Brian C. Dunning

Brian Dunning’s practice focuses on advising clients, particularly from Spain and Latin America, facing litigation or arbitration in the United States and other venues. For close to two decades, Brian has represented innumerable companies in commercial disputes, many of those from Spain and Latin America. He is among the few American lawyers focusing on companies in these regions and has built an extensive and strong network in both places. Correspondingly, he has a deep understanding of complex, cross-border litigation and arbitration processes. He is also familiar with the challenges faced by businesses operating in an international environment, and is a confident advisor on issues arising from this context. Brian has acted for foreign individuals, businesses and sovereigns in state and federal courts in the United States, as well as in administered and ad hoc domestic and international arbitrations under the rules of various organizations, including AAA, ICDR, ICC, BCICAC, UNCITRAL and ICSID. Brian also acts as the general U.S. counsel for several Spanish companies. In addition to his litigation practice, Brian has a strong transactional practice advising clients on matters including acquisitions, distribution and commercial agreements, franchising, commercial leases, real estate development and licensing. He has represented clients in disputes including construction, manufacturing, product distribution, joint ventures, franchising, technology, securities, employment and insurance coverage. Brian serves as President of the Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the Federación de Cámaras Oficiales Españolas de Comercio en América, Spain’s network of official chambers of commerce in the Western Hemisphere. In 2016, King Felipe VI recognized Brian’s service to the Spanish nation by awarding him the Cruz de Oficial de la Orden del Mérito Civil (Officer’s Cross of the Order of Civil Merit) of the Kingdom of Spain. He also advises the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations on international arbitration law and on universal jurisdiction for prosecution of war crimes. Brian is fluent in Spanish, proficient in Catalan and Portuguese, and has also studied French and German.

Lisa Schineller Managing Director & Lead Analyst of Sovereign & International Public Finance Ratings S&P Global Ratings
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Lisa Schineller

Lisa M. Schineller is Managing Director and Lead Analyst of Sovereign & International Public Finance Ratings for S&P Global. Lisa is responsible for sovereign analysis by formulating S&P’s economic forecasts for Americas covering key credits such as Brazil and the United States. She also covers a number of multilateral institutions, such as the Inter-American Development Bank. She coordinates with analysts regionally and globally on Government Related Entities across the region. Lisa was an Adjunct Associate Professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs from 2006 to 2009. She co-developed & co-teaches a course entitled “Problems of Economic Growth in Latin America” for master’s degree students. She continues to give guest lectures in a number of courses at the School of International and Public Affairs and the Business School. Before joining Standard & Poor’s in August 1999, Lisa worked in the International Finance Division at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, DC for over three years as the French desk economist and world oil economist. She was also an economist at Exxon Company International, Corporate Affairs, where she analyzed and projected economic and energy developments in Latin America (mainly Brazil) and Europe. Upon completion of her Ph.D., she was an Assistant Professor at McGill University, Faculty of Management, from 1992 to 1994. Lisa holds a B.A. degree in Economics and Spanish from Wellesley College and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Economics from Yale University.

Enrique Ostalé Executive Vice President and Regional CEO - U.K., Latin America, and Africa Walmart International
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Enrique Ostalé

Enrique Ostalé is executive vice president and regional chief executive officer – U.K, Latin America and Africa, at Walmart International. He also serves as chairman of the board of directors of Walmart Mexico and Central America, Walmart Chile and as a member of the board for Massmart. Enrique assumed this expanded regional role in April 2017 after serving previously as CEO of Walmart Latin America, India and Africa (2016-17), CEO of Walmart Mexico, Central America and Latin America (2013-16) and president and CEO of Walmart Chile (2006-13). His experience in this latter post included leading the successful transition of the D&S chain, acquired by Walmart Inc. in 2009, into what is today Walmart Chile. Part of his work involved imprinting Walmart's corporate culture on the organization, adopting along with his team the mission of "saving people money so they can live better," and incorporating the promotion of sustainability as one of the operational pillars of the business. Enrique holds an undergraduate degree in economics and business administration from Adolfo Ibáñez University and a master of science in accounting and finance from the London School of Economics.

Luis Berruga CEO Global X
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Luis Berruga

Luis joined Global X in 2014. He is responsible for advancing Global X’s leadership in providing intelligent investment solutions. In doing so, he leads the organization of the senior management team to drive execution across all functional areas and the planning and implementation of the firm’s strategic vision. Prior to joining Global X, Luis served as an Investment Banker in the Financial Institutions Group at Jefferies, where he advised the board of directors and executive management teams of public and private companies on acquisitions, divestitures, and capital raises. Prior to that, Luis was at Morgan Stanley, where he focused primarily on technology and operations strategic planning within the Wealth & Asset Management Group. Luis earned his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

Amanda Mars Washington Bureau Chief EL PAÍS
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Amanda Mars

Amanda Mars is El País's delegate in Washington. She began her career in 2001 as a reporter for the Europa Press news agency in Barcelona, and signed three years later for La Gaceta de los Negocios. In 2006 she joined El País in the same city and in 2009 she moved to Madrid, as a journalist in the Economics area. In 2015 she was appointed correspondent for the newspaper in New York and in 2017 she moved to the US capital. As a special envoy, she has covered the meetings of the International Monetary Fund, the fall of Yorgos Papandreu during Greece's financial crisis or Puerto Rico's debt crisis. She has interviewed personalities such as businessman Carlos Slim, several Nobel Prize winners (Joseph Stiglitz, George Akerlof, Kenneth Arrow), former president of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke and writers such as Martin Amis or Chimamanda Ngozi. She has focused a large part of her career on economic issues. However, during her stay in The United States, she has taken a special interest in American politics focusing on following Donald Trump, for which she has traveled through several states during the campaign. She has also given writing workshops during four summers at the ESIC business school in Madrid, and took on the role of web dynamisation and audience monitoring for Economy. She has received the Young and Brilliant Economic Journalism Award (2013) and was a finalist in the Citi Journalism Award for Excellence (2013 and 2014).

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